Friday, June 11, 2010

An unofficial grade skip

As the middle of the year approaches it is time to review what we have been up to and where we are headed. It has become very obvious to me that the course of study Flossy has undertaken this year, her Pre-Primary year, is far in excess of what Bugsy will be capable of next year which will be his Pre-Primary year. It is also certainly in excess of her age peers at public school. So with much thought and reflection I have decided this Pre-Primary course is actually a Year 1 level course and on completion Flossy will move into Year 2 next year.

That leaves a gaping hole in my programming. Not only do I need to come up with a Year 2 plan for Flossy, I now need to come up with a Pre-Primary year for Bugsy. He will then roll into the Year 1 course of study the following year.

So all hands are now on deck to get some decisions made and materials purchased so that everything is scheduled out and ready to go well before the end of this year. I want it all ready to move on well before our new baby arrives throwing life into chaos.

*Watch for some shuffling in the plans on my sidebar*


  1. *grin*

    The joys of homeschooling:-) Hopefully we'll have finished 'Understood Betsy' before we come down your way, and we can lend it to you guys:-) There's a related chapter that I've just found very amusing:-)
    That means Flossy and Puggle are the same grade (at the moment:-) )
    Subtle drop of information there at the end:-) Congratulations:-)

  2. So you have plans to head our way, woohoo!
    And what's this about 'at the moment' are you anticipating a grade skip for Puggle or another here? Don't think i could wrap my brain around another here!!! Well not in the short term. Or maybe that was a nudge that i should call her a Year 1 now??

  3. _Absolutely_ you should call her a year one now:-) That way she won't actually _skip_ a year, she's just moving through faster:-)
    I don't think Puggle will be skipping ahead... I just wouldn't be surprised if Flossy does again (a few years down the track):-)


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